Please fill in the form below if you have any feedback you would like to share with us.
The Tawa Business Group is funded by group is funded by way of a targeted rate, which is levied on and collected from non-residential properties within a defined boundary. Businesses located outside that defined boundary area but within the Tawa area are welcome to join the Tawa Business Group as an Associate Member.
The annual fee for Associate Membership is $350 + GST.
The key benefits to an Associate Member are:
Receiving two-monthly newsletters with information on what’s happening in the BID, as well as upcoming activities and events​​
Having your business and contact details included in our Business Directory on our website​
Receiving invitations to all Tawa Business Group events – networking events, business breakfasts, seminars, mentoring and training courses​
Receiving any discounts offered to full members
If you’d like to become an Associate Member, please complete the form below.
Tawa Business Group Inc. reserves the right to approve or decline membership based on the Rules of the Tawa Business Group Incorporated, the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and any amendments to that Act. You will be advised of the decision by email within two weeks of submitting your application form.