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Tawa Resident Association

67 Main Road, Tawa, Wellington 5028, Wellington, New Zealand


Reach by email Only

Tawa Residents Association (TRA)

To quote from its constitution the principal role of TRA is:

To provide an organisation in which the Tawa community (residents, ratepayers, residential property owners, incorporated or unincorporated bodies or societies) can combine and work together to establish and further the recreational, social, cultural, and service needs for the betterment of the Tawa community.

TRA is governed by a Committee which meets bi-monthly on Mondays at 7.30 pm at the Tawa Squash Club to facilitate activities such as:

  • Spring into Tawa

  • Tawa News

  • Community Garden

  • Potted Colour

  • 20 Minute neighbourhood

  • Wall Park BBQ

  • AED signage

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