Charis Accounting
04 232 3816
unit 2/194 Main Road, Tawa, Wellington 5028, New Zealand
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5:30pm
Or by appointment

Accounting is the language of business - let the chartered accountants at Charis Accounting interpret it for you
Jason Plimmer - Chartered Accountant, Charis Accounting, Wellington
Our primary role at Charis Accounting is to be your interpreters of this language of numbers; to proactively help you understand what the numbers are saying so you can make better business decisions.
Sure we prepare tax returns, answer your tax questions and assist with your other compliance obligations (and we are good at that). But we focus on being more than compliance experts: by getting to really know you and your business; offering relevant financial reporting in a way that makes sense to you; being your sounding board, and by providing robust future focused advice that you can understand.
We prefer using accounting tools like Xero as they provide the means for us to perform the compliance work efficiently and accurately while providing up to date information that allows us to work collaboratively with you in your business anytime, any place.
We don't want to touch base with you once in a blue moon and with out-of-date information. We want to have a continuous conversation with you that you trust and rely on.